The Pine Marten, also known as the American Marten, lives in dense, thick, coniferous forests. They are primarily found in the upper northern parts of Wisconsin. They are related to the weasel family. Their fur varies in color, some consisting of brighter oranges and a cream color on their neck; with their tail and legs a deep dark brown. Pine martens are often confused with Fishers from a distance. Although, Fishers are much bigger in size to the Pine Marten and also have a darker brown fur coat. The reddish-orange color on the Pine Marten's neck is a helpful distinguishable feature to look for. Another difference to the Fisher is that the Pine Marten is a great climber, often seen in pine trees. As for their territory, they claim about 2 square miles worth of an area. They do not tolerate the same sex of their kind to be in their territory. Their mating season begins in August, but each Pine Marten can have multiple mates. The male therefore has no role in helping the female with the new born kits in the spring.
Pine Marten
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources